It’s here. The ultimate gift guide for everyone in your life. There’s something for him, her, friends, family, fashionistas, and naturalistas. Come back every few days or so for updates on the list. I’ve even added some Black Friday Deals for 2022.
It’s here. The ultimate gift guide for everyone in your life. There’s something for him, her, friends, family, fashionistas, and naturalistas. Come back every few days or so for updates on the list. I’ve even added some Black Friday Deals for 2022.
I’ve put together a gift guide of products for men and women with natural hair for those just getting started or veteran natural hair enthusiasts. There are various price points to choose from on this list and many of these are great for family members, co-workers, and friends alike. These are the best natural hair gifts for the holiday season.
Here are 7 valuable tips on how to find success on YouTube, in life, and in business. I’ve been on YouTube for 10 Years. I joined in 2010 when the rise of the influencer had just began. People had just began to discover ways to make money on the platform and viewers were building strong connections with YouTube video content creators, catapulting them to celebrity-like success. Brands were just beginning to work with video content creators and the word “influencer” hadn’t been created. I’ve had the pleasure of learning a lot about business, finance, marketing, and success as an influencer through the years. This video gives you 7 valuable, motivation tips on how to grow and stand out on YouTube in 2020 (aside from studying analytics and the algorithm).
If you’re not naturally into photography or hate being in front of the camera, don’t force it. It’s a waste of time and takes way more energy to create content because each day is a chore. Lean into your strengths and put your own twist on it. Infuse everything you do with your personality and perspective.
When it comes to giving value, get to the point. People don’t care about what you had for breakfast, they came to your creative space to get value. Over time, they will get to know you and want to know more. However, in the beginning, give the viewers the gold they came for.
Pick the niche your viewers want and stick to it. Be consistent with what you post and stick to a schedule.
You’re never too deep in your knowledge of a topic to learn more about it. Go back to the basics and see if you can present it to viewers in a new and exciting way.
Put your coins where your passions lie. If there’s a course you believe has the ability to catapult your career, spend the money takes to get the knowledge. If you don’t have the money, exhaust all other free options until you can take the course(s).
You will not run out of ideas. Creating is a muscle and the more you work it, the stronger it gets. Yes, burnout is possible. However, I’ve noticed that when I feel like I’ve run out of ideas, it’s because internally, I’m blocking my creativity in some way. Perhaps you have great ideas, but you’ve convinced yourself that it is impossible to execute. If that’s the case, find a creative way to do it. You’ll probably surprise yourself.
That project will probably never be perfect. And if you try and make everything perfect all of the time, you will procrastinate on pretty much everything. If you have the urge for perfection, your project will probably be just fine if it’s not perfect because it will be better than most by default. Sometimes it’s better to get things done than get things perfect.
I’ve been doing youtube for 10 years. That’s a LOT of pivoting. I’ve figure out that focusing on one thing and doing it well is enough. Be creative with simple ideas and you’ll find that people sometimes love the simple relatable content just as much as highly produced off-the-wall content. Do whatever changes you have to do, just don’t give up.
If this resonated with you and you found my tips helpful, share it with your friends.
Check my Youtube natural hairstyles playlist for hair tutorials. I’ve also got a youtube tab here on the navigation bar at the top of this page where you can see all of my videos that upload every thursday. Subscribe to my newsletter, so you don’t miss any of my content. See ya in your inbox soon!
This quarantine seriously KILLED my diet and exercise routine! We haven’t been able to go to the gym and I’ve not been able to stop overeating. I had a healthy run in the beginning of February and March, but once the safer at home act was announced, I broke all the way down…literally. I miss my healthy fitness routine and my mesomorph body type can’t really hang with sitting around on the couch. Crossing my fingers for a better outcome next fitness weight loss update.
I want to mention that this video doesn’t take into account the negative emotional toll social distancing and dealing with our pandemic has caused. If you truly need a time out, TAKE IT.
If you’re going a little stir crazy due to current circumstances with Coronavirus COVID-19 (and you’re healthy), here are five ways to level up from home. Practicing healthy habits and spending time with loved ones is most important right now. We can use this time to get stronger, smarter, and closer to our loved ones. Try your best not to panic and stay positive. I know it’s challenging. My heart goes out to everyone in need. I love you all! *hugs*
If you found this helpful, share it with your friends and family. DM me on Instagram @latoya_ebony to let me know how you and your family are doing.
If you’re in the mood for creativity, check my Youtube natural hairstyles playlist for hair tutorials. I’ve also got a youtube tab here on the navigation bar at the top of this page where you can see all of my videos that upload every thursday. Subscribe to my newsletter, so you don’t miss any of my content. See ya in your inbox soon!
Impostor syndrome is one of the worst feelings you can have when you embarking on a new business venture. It says, “who the hell do you think you are to be doing that?” I face it and if you’re a goal getter, you probably face it too. Here’s a few tips on how to overcome that dreadful feeling.
I recently met a woman who’s grandmother had just passed away. When she went through her grandmothers things, she found piles of clothes with tags still on and boxes of special china and silverware that had never been used. She said her grandmother was always waiting for a special occasion. Her story made me sad, but it also made me think.
I’ve put together a curated gift list for the fashion lovers in your life that have an athletic body type. After all, I first created this blog for people with athletic bodies looking for outfit ideas.
I’ve taken some time to put together a shopping list of items from my favorite affordable retailers. Boohoo is currently having a 60% off everything sale. Gap has 50% off everything, plus an extra 10% off coupon on the homepage of their site that is applied immediately with the click of a button
I don’t want to toot my own horn too much, but I’ve come up with some pretty dope gifts for the women in your life that love fashion. Not only are they fabulous, they’re all under $100 – except one item that is $136. Everything on this list, I would buy. In fact, many of the items are similar to things I have in my closet today. Take a look…