I remember feeling a little bit ashamed that I’m not already a full time actress. I’ve felt like this for years, especially living in Los Angeles where the facade of living a glamorous life is amplified. I have a part time job, and though it’s not always how I’d like to spend my time, I’ve grown to relax into the process of my acting journey. Right now, having a part time job in the tech industry is what I need and I’m sure the reasons will be revealed to me.
I try very hard to lead with gratitude. So what are the benefits of working in the industry I work in? I get to interact with people from all walks of life, I have technical skills that directly help me with Youtube and my blog, I have great benefits, and I make money consistently without relying on acting to pay my bills. This has helped keep my passion for the entertainment industry fun and exciting.
They say the grass is always greener on the other side. Well, I think my grass is pretty darn green. I’m grateful for all that I have.
I think it’s important to affirm your dream and say it out loud. For many years I didn’t talk about my acting career because I was afraid to fail in front of you. I no longer pay attention to that fear. This is our LIFE. Shout it from the rooftops!
Want to know what I found to be the hardest part of pursuing my dream? I made a whole video about it here.
I’ve been vlogging about my life for years and I have a ton of content just like this one on this page.
I hope you check it out. We’re in this together.