Hair comparison in the natural hair community can derail hair goals as soon as they are dreamt up.
Hair texture, pattern, and hairstyle goals can drive a person who doesn’t know any better nuts! Glorification of certain hair types, “thickness”, and length are probably some of the biggest culprits blocking you from reaching your hair goals.
You Have No Patience
You’ve set amazing goals for your hair, but you haven’t given your hair a chance to achieve them. For most, hair grows half an inch a month. If you have a routine that seems to be working, don’t switch it up. Stay steady for two to three months to see if what you’re doing actually works.
You’re Stuck Comparing
Comparison goes beyond hair type. I’m talking about comparing hairstyle results too. Many of us obsess over getting the “perfect” twistout or braidout as determined by our favorite influencers.
It’s okay to attempt to perfect a style, but expecting fine hair to be coarse, low density hair to look high density, looser curls to be coils is just not realistic. It’s also not helpful to a person’s self confidence. If your hairstyle goes limp — create an updo. Coils don’t clump? Rock that afro!
This is my personal nemesis. When you begin to reach your hair goals, the temptation to keep your hands in your head is strong! More length and fullness can create excitement to try too many new things at once. Try not to fall into this trap. Try to add new routines or hairstyles slowly over time. I personally try to style my hair once a week. I don’t always achieve my goal, but the effort helps in times I want to manipulate it unnecessarily.

This blog post is geared toward those who want to maximize length retention. If your goals are different, adjust this advice or forget it all together! This is YOUR hair journey. Take all suggestions with a grain of salt.
Check my Youtube natural hairstyles playlist for more tutorials. I’ve also got a youtube tab here on the navigation bar at the top of this page where you can see all of my videos that upload every thursday. Subscribe to my newsletter, so you don’t miss any of my content. See ya in your inbox soon!